Shelter Client Feedback
Are you a shelter client and have a concern?
The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services Shelter Concerns Hotline may be able to help. There are three ways you can contact the hotline:
- Call 410-396-7624. Live operators are available Mondays, 8:30-10:30am, and Fridays, 2:30-4:30pm. You may leave a voicemail at any time.
- Email Shelter Concerns.
- Complete the Shelter Client Feedback Form at the bottom of this page.
Who should use the Shelter Concerns Hotline?
Clients at City-funded shelters and/or day centers can be assisted by the hotline. If you are not sure if your shelter or day center is City-funded, ask a staff member. The hotline is separate from the grievance process, in which a client may file a written complaint with the shelter or day center leadership.
What kinds of concerns is the hotline for?
If you are a client at a City-funded shelter and/or day center and have serious concerns related to shelter case management services, resources, food, activities, policies, or similar issues, please contact us.
How soon will I hear back?
A MOHS representative will respond to you within 48 to 72 hours.